Helen Lueg
Clinical psychotherapist, Germany
I graduated as a medical doctor from University of Santiago, Chile. The doctoral Thesis in the field of Adolescent Mood Disorder.From 1970-1980 Specialization in Internal Medicine in Roy H. Glover Hospital, American Hospital from Anaconda Mines in Chuquicamata, Chile, also there worked in the desert of Atacama as scientific researcher in the WHO research for High-altitude-related illnesses (Profesor Santolaya). From 1980-1993 Specialization in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in the "Landes Klinik Bedburg-Hau", NRW, Germany. This was the largest psychiatric hospital and Health Mental Center in Europe with 3,500 Patients. I graduated as a specialist in internal medicine and psychiatry in 1993, which allowed me to practice my professional development in psychosomatic care German (Ärztekammer Nordrhein AKNO Bundesärztekammer), fully licensed for all insurances of medical care (German state-license) Board certification. I developed a new professional concept for the treatment of addiction, including neurobiological approaches to a better understanding of human nature and human values and the re-activation of self-healing powers from a neurological perspective. This concept had a great response and acceptance with the German medical authorities. (Rheinische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation (RAG). With my project, the German health system gave appropriate financial support and approval to open a clinic for psychosomatic treatment under my services. I opened this clinic in 1994 and managed it until my retirement in 2015. The work in this clinic was my greatest professional success and I was most fortunate to have in my staff numerous specialists, medical doctors, psychologists, social workers, ergo therapists, music therapists, etc. who did follow my therapeutic program and shape it with great enthusiasm. My clinic was a national and international training space for numerous young and committed health employers. The internal and external further training was fully my hands and we designed numerous workshops. We had cooperation with numerous institutes for psychiatric and psychotherapeutic training and also from the Nijmegen University in the Netherland. I continued post graduated training in psychotherapy, psychiatry, neuroscience in Düsseldorf, Munich, Aachen, Tübingen, Köln and Freiburg Universities, also in Canada, Australia, Italy and Spain. I have lived and worked abroad for many years. My husband was an international consulting engineer, so we have travel around quite a bit. in 1993 I published my research and clinical work focused identification, characterization and treatment of young men with addiction disorders, including the prodrome, first episode, multi-episode and refractory illness and phase of psychotic and mood disorders. I am still full time working in my medical office, When Covid-19 virus arrived I dedicated all my time to psychotherapy and psychiatry through today.
Research Interest
Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Neuroscience